Tips & Tricks

Blooming in cold

Blooming in cold

1x Blog-Tips & Tricks
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by Editor David H Yang  

This exquisite frozen beauty created by Pedro Uranga  triggered my curiosity to know more about how it was made.  Pedro was so kind to answer a few questions to inspire us.


'Blooming in cold.-3-' by Pedro Uranga


This is a very complex, unique photo. How exactly did you shoot this, and what did you do to get the final result, Pedro?
I always had a lot of contact with nature and I love photographing its beauty.
One cold winter day, while trying to photograph some frozen leaves by the river, I came up 
with the idea of doing something similar at home with flowers and that was the beginning of it all.

How did you proceed to realize your idea?
First, I took a white plastic bucket, then I composed the scene of the flowers inside the bucket and finally I added a little bit of water avoiding the flowers to float.
Right after, I immediately put the bucket into the freezer.
Once frozen, I filled the bucket with cold water until it covered the flowers and froze it again.
Finally, I took the bucket out of the freezer and put it outside to be able to take pictures with natural light while it was being defrosted.

What was going through your mind while taking pictures?
I was very excited.  I was looking to capture the shapes of the petals, the colours, the textures and all the beauty of the flowers seen through the thin layer of ice.

What equipment did you use to achieve this picture?
I used my Nikon D750 and my Nikon17/35 F2/8 lens.

Which programs did you use to edit and process this beautiful image?
I used Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop.  There was not a lot of processing involved.  I used Camera
Raw and Adobe Photoshop.

Thanks a lot for the interesting information about the making of 'Blooming in cold', Pedro!



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